Wednesday, January 28, 2009

12th of September

This month, this spring actually, has been so busy I've hardly had any time to myself. I can feel the effects of it too. I am TIRED. Plus, my apartment is a wreck, the laundry is piled up in every room, dirty dishes from the weekend are waiting to be scrubbed, Oliver hardly recognizes his own mommy any more. It's just been one thing after another for the last few weeks. If I'm not house sitting for a weekend, I'm on military orders. I like being busy, but a girl needs a break every once in a while.

It's a good busy though. I enjoy the things I'm doing right now. Life just feels good, productive, purposeful. My work situation is changing a little too - for the better. I'll still be with good ol' Dill and Dill, but instead of being mired in the monotony of liquor licensing, I'm going to start working with the litigation attorneys on a major case. I'm really excited about getting to do something different and learn a new aspect of the legal field. I don't doubt that it will still be mind numbingly boring, but at least it will be a different repetitive mental motion. I think it will involve primarily document management - there are already 35,000 pages of discovery - but it's an interesting case.

Wouldn't you figure too, that as soon as my current job becomes a little more interesting, a couple other opportunities pop up. Of course there are always military options, and I learned of a few good ones this past weekend. I'm not actively pursuing that route at the moment, but it's not out of the question. Also, I made a contact who has connections in the Governor's Office. I'll go after that with a little greater enthusiasm, but I still feel like I am where I'm supposed to be for now. I don't feel the freedom to leave yet. I've been here for little over a year, and I'm getting settled into the routine. I still enjoy working as a legal assistant in the afternoons and have a great working relationship with the attorney. I sincerely believe that working for him will render great possibilities in the future. Having a glowing recommendation on his letterhead will be an assett to any future job applications. The liquor licensing I can take or leave, and it looks like I may be leaving it shortly. So, things are good in the working world for me.

The other problem with being so busy, is that I've had to push my running schedule to the back burner. I logged some good miles in Seattle, and I've stuck to my Tuesday-Thursday workouts. But I've been absent from my group training runs on Saturdays, and on Mon-Wed-Fri I'm lucky to walk the mile in either direction to work. I think this has effected me mentally/emotionally as much as I've noticed a drop-off in my physical fitness level. I also really wanted to start swimming this winter, and get back into my routine Yoga practice - but neither of those have seemed feasible, even on the loosest days. I think the solution here is to discipline myself to get my booty out of bed in the morning and just do it first thing. I'd rather spend my time in the evenings in other ways these days.

Also, another little change, I've pretty much gone completely vegetarian. With my aversion to dairy products, I'm only eggs, goat cheese and yogurt away from Veganism. Really, though I'm not so strict about it all. If someone prepares me a meal with meat, I'm not going to turn up my nose. I'm just not purchasing animal products (aside from the three listed) for myself, nor ordering them when I eat out. I recently read Food Matters and it really made sense. So, I've filled my evenings trying new vegetarian recipes (for two).

So I have a lot going on these days. I'm happy though. Things are good; really good. In a nice, secure way too - no uncertainty about where all these blessings are coming from either. I feel like I'm where I should be, doing what I'm meant to be doing. Can't get any better than that.

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