Saturday, November 10, 2007


On Monday I begin a new job. It's a temp position with Vodafone working on a two week administrative project. It's not my dream job, but it's a start in the right direction.

Since I put in my two weeks at Chang's it's bee much easier working there. I enjoy it more, I don't become so easily frustrated. I wish I had learned several months ago not to care so much about the job. I become so invested in whatever it is that I'm working on that I have a hard time letting things slide. I am a perfectionist. Since my job takes up a majority of my time I have difficulty not taking it too seriously. I get stressed out when things aren't running smoothly and I become bitter toward people who don't work as hard as I do. I get especially irritated when my hard work and dedication don't get recognized and the laziness or incompetence around me is ignored. That was one of my main frustrations at P.F. Chang's; I would show up every day and work my ass off, following rules, doing things as they should be done and doing them very well, and never receive a nod of approval. That is one of the very reasons I enjoy being in the Army. The standards are set and the standards are made clear to everyone. Those who choose not to meet them, either out of negligence or willful disregard, are punished, or at least not rewarded. Those who meet and exceed the standards are quickly recognized, rewarded, and given more responsibility. It's a system in which I can thrive. I pay close attention to details, but at the same time I view myself as a member of a larger team and I invision where I want to be within that grand scheme. At P.F. Chang's there was know view of the top, no path to promotion, it was a dead-end, no matter how hard I worked or how good I became at my job. As ambitious as I am, this is infinitely frustrating to me. Since I no longer have to depend on serving tables as my sole source of income, I'm almost considering staying on the schedule a couple nights a week, like a hobby. Sounds sick doesn't it? If I have another channel for my ambition, a place where I can work to achieve my goals, working part-time at Chang's is kind of appealing. I'm not committing to that yet. I'm going to see where my new position takes me and what all I can do next.

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