Monday, January 03, 2011

2011: The Challenge and Adventure

If I were to title my autobiographical novel (because we all know an element of fiction is essential) for the upcoming year, it would be Challenge and Adventure. I'm anticipating for the next year to be both difficult and exciting. I hope that it will be a growing year for me. Banking on Eleanor Roosevelt's famous insight, "We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face," I'm moving forward into the new year with boldness, whatever it may hold.

The Challenge: Learning how to be Married.
I know myself pretty well, on my own. I've grown accustomed to making my own decisions, acting on my own accord, doing what I want to do. Now I have to take another person into consideration in my decisions and actions. The real challenge though is determining the balance of doing things for myself and including Jim. I want to plan things for us to do together, but I don't want to put my own plans on indefinite hold waiting for him to come along. Then there are HIS plans that I want to be sensitive to as well. What makes this easy and difficult at the same time is that neither of us are planners. We both prefer to "play it by ear" and just see what happens. What I've learned relatively quickly though is that when you're coordinating two lives, some planning is really essential. I don't expect to have the whole marriage thing figured out in a year, but I hope to be half as frustrated with it as I am now.

There will be many adventures in 2011. I'm focusing on personal growth though. I've been wanting to go back to school for some time, but it make much sense to me right now. So I'm taking cooking classes, reading with a purpose, training for a triathlon, and just trying to make the most of my days. There is a lot to look forward to - Relaxing in Cancun, Camping in Yellowstone, hiking in the rockies, etc.  I'm adding "Visit Dawn in Spain" to my list too; it's criminal to have a good friend who lives in another country and not visit her.

As with anyone, I hope to look back on 2011 and feel that I did it justice. Keep up with the fun - and keep me up to date on your own challenges and adventures.

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