Thursday, April 19, 2007

Random Questions

At least twice in the last few weeks I've been accused of "choosing my words very carefully." I've never considered myself a very guarded person, but I guess I am careful about what I let people know about me. It's self preservation. Is this a sign that I don't trust people? I am not of the mindset that everyone is "out to get me." But I am selective about with who I want to be emotionally vulnerable. Funny thing is I haven't been very choosy about with who I am physically vulnerable. Why does a physical bond with someone seem much safer than an emotional bond? In reality physical intimacy is much more dangerous. I don't want to open myself up to a lot of pain and hassle, but I still want to be close to people. This is the reason I love answering/asking random questions. It feels like a casual way for people to get to know me. Perhaps that's why we all enjoy those online quizzes that we post on our myspace/facebook profiles.

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