Thursday, December 31, 2009

How it Ends

Two NYEs ago my brother Philip and I celebrated together with Devotchka at Mercury Cafe. Both of us were relatively new arrivals in Denver and while we had spent holidays in Colorado, we were still feeling out of the social scene. I'm happy to say that this year, Philip and I can still rely on each other to enjoy a great show.

I bought tickets to see Devotchka this year, not on a whim, but with a sense nostalgia. Kind of a way to look back over the last two years and realize how much has changed, and how much has stabilized in my life.

The most obvious change is that both of us were accompanied by a significant other this year. I think the reason we didn't attend this concert last year is because we were both hoping to spend it with the people pictured. I think we can say it was a successful pursuit.

The other difference that struck me at the concert is how much Denver/Colorado has become home to both of us since NYE 2007. To think back even one more year, Philip and I spend NYE 2006 together at El Chapultepec for a night of great live jazz. We were such strangers to this place. Now I think we're rooted here more than any other place from our mobile upbringing.

As we turn the page to a new year, a new decade even, I think it's important to note how good life is, changes and all.

I went for a final run of 2009 with the guys from the AIR Foundation last night before the concert. Over the last week on our runs, I've heard over and over about their drive to stay on their path of sobriety, to keep running the good race, to stay on pace, to stay focused, etc. Last night was no different as each of them look forward to a new year and a new life in 2010. I am honored and thrilled to be part of their lives and to see them decide every day to become more like the person they were created and purposed to be. Needless to say I've developed important relationships with some of these guys. They thank me often for supporting them. I can't thank them enough for allowing me to be apart of their victory. 2009 was a good year; 2010 promises greatness.

Of course I have to begin considering what I want to accomplish in the new year, aside from all my personal adventure goals. As with every year, I want to strive to become more like the person I was created and purposed to be. I may not know exactly what that looks like anymore, but I know the foundation is character. It doesn't matter where I end up in my career. I don't care what possessions I accumulate along the way. What I really want is to be the person God created me to be; to be a woman of character, someone with a kind and generous heart. What I really want to develop in the new year is an internal drive to utilize my abilities to accomplish something meaningful. I've realized over the last few weeks that I am primarily driven by external stimuli. I don't want to rely on that to motivate me to action. I want to be someone who pursues my goals ambitiously because I want to, not because I think someone else wants something for/from me.

I am really excited about 2010. It will be a year of hard challenges and tough decisions that produce great character and great joy. Are you up for it? I'm all in.

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